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JCS Sponsors Seibu Railway’s “Local Environmental Contribution Activities Project”

Seibu Railway has been working with local governments and communities along its railway lines to address environmental conservation and local contribution activities through its “Local Environmental Contribution Activities Project” since 2016. As part of the activities based on its corporate philosophy to “contribute to the advancement of society through communication,” JCS has participated in this project as one of the sponsors since 2018.

The inside of the sightseeing train
The inside of the sightseeing train
A scene of the activity conducted

Participants on a sightseeing train named “Seibu Travelling Restaurant ‘Fifty Two Seats of Happiness’” full of characteristics unique to Seibu Railway head for the place where the project’s environmental activity is carried out. The purpose of this project is to revitalize every local area along Seibu Railway’s lines, including the Chichibu area, by calling for participants in local environmental activities promoted by local governments from inside and outside the railway-line areas.

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