Welcoming Ceremony and Training Programs Conducted by JCS for New Employees in FY2019
JCS held a welcoming ceremony at its headquarters on April 1, 2019 to welcome 14 new employees. At the company-wide morning meeting, the new employees were asked to introduce themselves by using a single Chinese character to express their commitment to JCS. They looked nervous talking about themselves in the presence of JCS employees. Subsequently, they progressed amidst applause from their senior colleagues to the venue of the welcoming ceremony.
The Welcoming Ceremony as Starting Point of a New Stage:
After welcome addresses by the executive officers for the new employees, President Chikanami spoke passionately about the challenges JCS has faced through its 50-year history, the company’s efforts to overcome such difficulties, and its commitment to the projects it has been able to receive through trust-building with clients. All the new employees listened seriously and attentively to the President’s speech.

The new JCS employees looked happy with the official announcement of the name of Japan’s new imperial era, Reiwa.
Training Program (Nagoya):
After the completion of the events planned on the first day, the excited and nervous new employees headed for Nagoya-shi, Aichi, by Shinkansen (bullet train) the following day. They visited Health Future Expo 2019, a large-scale exposition organized by JCS and hosted by the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences. Subsequently, they participated with their senior colleagues in a workshop on preparing new projects. During this workshop, they worked in teams to make presentations, received evaluation and feedback from executive officers, and took instructions on the flow of event management.

Training Program (Tateyama):
Following the training in Nagoya, the new employees traveled to Tateyama-shi, Chiba, for a two-day, on-site training module. The training program entered a crucial stage. Although they must have felt tired because of the tight schedule, they were excited with the onboard entertainment they prepared on their own and became friendly with each other on the bus to the training site.
A team-building program was conducted on a beach in Tateyama. They engaged in various physical activities and workshop in an atmosphere made magical because of the cloudless sky and the blue waters.

A barbeque dinner was prepared and enjoyed that night. In a strong onshore wind, each member performed a role such as building the fire and preparing the food. During dinner, they talked enthusiastically about their families, the importance of working, their future visions, and other subjects as they sat around a fire.

Last Day of the Training Program:
The participants woke up at 7:00 a.m. of the second day of the training in Tateyama. After breakfast, they were asked the following question: “What are the advantages of teamwork and what is the importance of achieving something for your company?” They had to prepare and perform an impromptu play within a short time to answer the question. Hence, the training program was a bit challenging for them. The existence of differences in opinions within a team is natural. They were required to respect the ideas of the other members of the group even as they expressed their own opinions. Through this role-play exercise, they intensified their understanding of each other’s characteristics and positive aspects, and then articulated what their conceptions of achievements for JCS through their group performances of the skits they had prepared.

JCS has scheduled to carry out a number of training programs such as “Business Etiquette Training”, “Management Training”, “Rotation Training” for the next two months. Such training modules will ensure that trainees receive an orientation of all the departments in the headquarters and the Kansai Regional Office, and “On-site training.” The new employees will finally be assigned to their departments in June 2019. We hope that all of the new employees will keenly grasp this opportunity to undertake something new, and will work hard to become business functionaries who will make a change in JCS going forward!